
Sunshine and Studio Time! NEW VOICEOVER REEL (2024)

☀️ 🎙️ No need for the new seaside sauna trend when there's a studio to swelter in! The doors were wide open for editing my NEW VOICEOVER REEL today. Caught some East Neuk sunshine first though…word on the wynds is this is Scotland’s answer to the Italian Riviera and who can argue with blistering heat, beautiful flowers and the deep blue sea!? 😘 🌊 🌺 Anyway…you can now check out my latest audio montage via voiceovers.co.uk/vicky.watt/ or vickywatt.co.uk. 💕


Save Our Bank (The Cooperative Bank)

So happy to voice the #SaveOurBank campaign for the world’s first customer union for ethical banking, created to help keep the #CooperativeBank ethical. As a customer of 20+ years, it’s a message very close to my heart…

In the 90s, @thecooperativebank was the only high street bank with an ethical policy underpinning how it does business. It campaigned on these issues, too. Very cool. 😎. At a time when I was first learning about taking an ethical stance in life and work, The Cooperative Bank was a big inspiration. So when the bank hit troubled times, like many customers, I worried about things changing…

The bank’s ethical foundation might have crumbled if not for the intervention of the Save Our Bank campaign. This customer union for ethical banking (backed by @ethical_consumer_magazine) now works closely with the bank to help it stick to its customer-led ethical policy and founding principles.

The original ethical bank had (and still has) a trailblazing policy of not investing our money in unethical activities like selling arms to oppressive regimes, funding fossil fuels, or businesses that fail to implement basic human rights.

So what’s next?

Discover more about the bank’s history, future, become a union member, and donate to the #SaveOurBank campaign via the video…

Because saving (and making) money actually doesn’t have to cost the Earth. And The Cooperative is a bank we can still hold to account. 💰 🌍 💕 🌊 ☮️ saveourbank.coop | ethicalconsumer.org | co-operative bank.co.uk


...Happy Places, Happy Faces!


On a chilly Scottish east coast day - not uncommon -  there's no better feeling that getting
 cosy in the studio to record a voice over script about a community shaping its own bright future. Happy place. Happy face!😊  I've been lucky to work from my home for a good few years now and lately a lot of people seem to be switching on to the benefits. It's great to see some corporate bosses giving their employees more flexibility. With increased productivity, a sense of fulfilment, and better health being just a few of the positive outcomes, long may it continue!  If you'd like to hear more of my work check out vickywatt.co.uk. If you'd prefer a peek at life on the east coast of Scotland - because I can't live in the studio 24/7 - then please check out my instagram @vixbythesea for lots of seascapes and personal musings about celebrating simple pleasures and positive ideals in everyday life! 🌊



NEW #voiceover for BT. 📲 Thinking back, it’s incredible how far technology has come since the days of stealing away a couple of minutes on the hallway landline to talk with friends in the next village. ☎️ Then came mobile and unlimited texts, ISDN, WiFi, FaceTime (FOR FREE 🤩 ) with pals on the other side of the world. 🌎 It’s a kind of magic. ✨ And one thing never changes; it’ll always be good to...connect. 💕

Discover the many ways BT is helping communities stay connected at bt.com/localgov.

And hear more of my work at vickywatt.co.uk. #VoiceOver #VoiceArtist #ScottishVoice #FVO 🎙


A New Reel

Hooray! Just finished a new demo featuring some work I've been lucky to do these last few months; these include projects with Cooperative Food, Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Government (Domestic Abuse campaign), B&Q/Shelter, British Psychological Society (Careers Week) and Stagecoach. Hear more - and book a recording session - at vickywatt.co.ukVoquent, or voiceovers.co.uk. 😘


How To Ace Job Interviews✨

Looking for a new job? Polish up your interview skills with this handy wee video I voiced for the British Psychological Society. It seems obvious but easy to forget. Good luck! 😊

🎙 You can see more of my #voiceover audio + videos at vickywatt.co.uk, Voquent or voiceovers.co.uk 💕


...Studio Life


I spend all day in a padded room talking to myself. And love it! 😜

You can book a #voiceover session and listen at vickywatt.co.uk.

Find me at Voquent or voiceovers.co.uk, too. Xo