It seems all festive frolics are once again just around the corner! So, in a moment of quiet, I'm taking the opportunity to do a quick update on my studio diary and availability for voice overs:-
IN THE STUDIO:- Every day from Monday 7th December to Friday 18th December...
EXCEPT:- Thurs 10th Dec (pre-booked for VO in Edinburgh)
FESTIVE HOLS:- I'm on holiday from Mon 21st Dec to Sun 3rd Jan
Ronseal, Fujitsu, Buchanan Galleries, Network Rail, National Trust for Scotland, Hilton Hotel,
First Bus, Radisson...
BOOK:- If you'd like to book me for a voice over session - at my studio or your chosen city studio - please get in touch via
Meanwhile, wishing you a productive and pleasant few weeks as we wind down for the holidays...
PS. If you'd like to see my regular availability updates, we can connect via twitter, facebook or linkedin. Click here for more details.