
...Universal Basic Income

The concept of a Basic Citizens Income hashtagis gaining traction around the world - even amongst candidates for the US presidential elections in 2020! Interested in learning more? This is my hashtag#turnbacktuesday to the hashtagvoiceover I did for movingdocs.org (with Ben Kampas) - a promo video for their ‘Free Lunch Society’ documentary. It’s about the benefits of this evolutionary idea and you can see the promo at https://bit.ly/2UwScXo Also, check out The Independent’s article about Andrew Yang, hashtagthe Democrat and entrepreneur entering the race to replace Trump as US president in 2020. He believes ‘universal basic income holds the key to future prosperity.’ Read more at The Independent: https://ind.pn/2Sc7CCP If you’d like to book me for a voice session, I’m available weekdays. Listen and see more at vickywatt.co.uk Discover more inspiring films - including the recently released 'Dolphin Man' - by Moving Docs at movingdocs.org